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American Are Moving to Other States

I recently read an article about why Americans are moving to other states. We Americans tend to move into other homes for a myriad of reasons. Today let’s talk about why Americans move to another state.

And the Survey Said —

A recent poll came up with some of the answers. This poll stated that 41% of people that moved to a different state moved for better job opportunities. It also said that 52% of people move for a better climate or nicer weather. Here are a few other reasons why people moved:

25% of people move for health reasons
18% of people moved to be closer to friends
36 percent of people move to be closer to their families
16% of people moved to be closer to a significant other.

It Doesn’t Add Up

Now, I’m not an expert in math but when I added up those percentages, I saw that it totaled 188% of people moving.

That doesn’t make much sense to me. So I’m going to take what they said in this poll with a grain of salt. Of course, maybe people have multiple reasons for moving and that’s why. Either way people are moving still and these are some of the reasons why people move out of state.

Bottom Line

Are you one of the people who are thinking of moving to another state? If yes – you’ll probably need to sell your home. And you’ll need a Realtor for that.

Hey! Here’s an idea!

My wife and I are Realtors! Call us! Call Bunny and Art Reiman – Realtors. We’ve helped hundreds of families when they’re ready to move. Let us help you too!

If you’re looking for a new home in Monmouth County, visit this site.

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