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Halloween is Done

Okay. We are past Halloween. It was great to see all the kids dressed up in their costumes, but we had very few kids come by this year. In past years, we have seen the amount of costumed kids knocking on our door become less every year. But that is partly because times have changed, and it may not be as safe as it once was. When I was a kid, which was a long time ago, I would go out after school and stay out. I would only return to drop off my stash and head back out with an empty pillow case, ready to fill again. And again.

I’m seeing a new trend no., It’s called “Trick and Trunk”. It’s held at school yards, parks, shopping centers. Or any location with a lot of room to park cars. Sponsored by some organization. Parents park their cars, and set up in the parking lot. Kids go from car to car, show their costumes, and get candy from the trunk of the car. It seems to be a safer, more controlled environment. Which is good.

But it seems to be too much. I know of at least three of these that one daughter took her kids to. There were probably more. On the night before Halloween, I needed to go to food shopping at a warehouse store. We had to go through a shopping center parking lot where they were holding a “Trick or Trunk” event. It was a zoo. Cars everywhere, kids everywhere – including in the roads through the parking lot.

Too much!

I’m all for the idea, but let’s get some coordination between the towns. Have everyone hold this on the same day. Then the kids won’t be dragged off to event after event. If they keep this up Halloween will lose it’s magic, and won’t be special to the kids anymore.

Hey! I just had a great idea. Maybe each town should schedule an event at the town park, town hall or someplace in town. And all towns do it on the same day. Sound like a good idea?

Maybe a good day to do this would be Halloween.

Just my opinion. I know it’s a little crazy. But if you want to hear my opinions about real estate, give us a call at 732-598-7700. Or visit us online, Bunny and Art Reiman, Realtors, at

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