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Reasons For Writing My Real Estate Blog

Hello there. I’ve been writing this real estate blog for quite some time. I’ve currently written close to three hundred original articles. These articles average about 300 words each. This is a time consuming endeavor. Why do I do this?

Well, the politically correct thing to say is because I’m trying to share my knowledge of the real estate industry with my readers.

In reality, I do it for the Google Juice.

What’s that, you say.

Google loves content. Content can be articles, pictures or actually, anything. Adding content to a web site helps the web developer either gain or maintain their placement in the search results. If you do a Google search for “Active Adult any town, any state” you’ll get many pages of results. But if my web site is anywhere but on the first page, nobody will look at it. So i write these blog posts to maintain my first page results.”

But the content has to be original, it cannot be duplicate content. They do check to see if your content is original. If it is not original. you get penalized.

But here’s the big issue I have. I am not sure if anyone actually reads my blog posts.

Now, I can continue to write posts that (in my opinion) address areas that my readers may find interesting. I can also make my life easier and just write pure drivel. Google doesn’t care, it just wants original content..

SO here’s what I’m trying to find out. I want to know if anyone is reading these posts. So, if you are reading this, please send me a text to 732-598-7700 or email me with the following message:


For each reply I receive, I will donate $20 to Wounded Warriors.

In a future post I will notify you as to how many replies I received. The only question is, will I receive any replies?

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