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Should I “Stage” my Home?

The television airwaves (or should I say cable wires?) are full of TV shows featuring themes like “Sell My House” of “Flip This”. And, according to those shows, if you stage your home for sale, it will sell almost immediately and for lots and lots of money. And to a certain extent, it will help.

But the TV shows take it to the extreme. Some of them are basically saying that you need to get rid of everything you own, and replace it with small size furniture. And the only decorations you are allowed is generic things, pictures and sculptures.

They seem to forget one thing.

You still live there.

But you can stage your home and it will probably help. But let’s see if we can keep it under control. And remember – you still live there.

You don’t need to stage the entire house, just a few key rooms. Start with the Kitchen, living room, master bedroom and the dining room. In those rooms, and indeed, the entire house, pack up all clutter. Get the closets as empty as you can. Remove pictures that show family members.

In the kitchen, remove everything possible from the counters. Pack the small appliances. Clean out the cabinets, pack up some pots and pans you rarely use. Put some dishes, bowls and glasses away. If the cabinets are overflowing, it tells buyers there is not enough room. Do you have a pantry? Get it as empty as possible. Same reason.

As to the living room? Remove some furniture and pack up the clutter. If you can, place furniture away from the walls. If furniture is against the walls, you are telling buyers that the room is not big enough.

Master bedroom? It should have a bed, two dressers and a mirror. If you can, remove anything else such as chairs, exercise equipment or ???

Set the dining room table, just not for the maximum it will sit. If you have six chairs, set the table for four.

Other suggestions – do you have a piano? Keep the door closed over the keyboard. I’ve seen many people try to sit down and play, I tell them not to. If you have a guitar, keep it in the case, not on a wall hanger or a stand. People will try to touch them.


We are not saying you need to empty the house and buy new furniture. Use what you have, just use less of it and get the rest out of the house.

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