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The Price is ………. Wrong

All buyers are using the internet. And the internet can very easily tell a buyer what a house should be worth. And if the price is too high buyers will pass it by. I have had sellers who insisted on pricing the home too high. Their response was “Have buyers make an offer”. I could not make them realize that the buyers won’t even look if it is priced too high. But the price is not always too high. I always have a good laugh when I see a home priced at $499,000. I guess the sellers (and their Realtor) don’t realize that when people look at homes on the internet, one question all sites ask is a price range. And that question is always on a pull down menu. If a house is priced at $499,000, a buyer searching between $400,00 and $500,000 will find your home as one of the most expensive homes in their price range. But what if someone is looking between $500,000 and $600,000? Your home does not exist for them. Consider pricing your home at internet pull down menu price points.

There is Too Much Clutter.

Remove all of the knick knacks, photos and souveniers. They take the buyers attention away from the home. And too much furniture subconsciously tells buyers the rooms are too small.

The home is not well maintained.

Your job is to maintain the home. And buyers do not want a home that has not been properly maintained. They will think it will cost them dearly to repair what you, the homeowner, should have been taking care of all along.

Is the décor outdated?

People like to buy new homes. But sometimes what they want is not available as new construction. Or new construction is not in the budget. So they look for used homes. But they want a home that is up-to-date. Do you have wallpaper in the home, or popcorn ceilings? Take it down. Are the carpets worn? Replace them with hardwood. Are the colors from the 70’s or 80’s? Replace with today’s colors. Is the kitchen and appliances 30 years old? Would you buy a house with a 30 year old kitchen?

Does the house smell?

You live in the house, you are used to it. It may smell horrible but you are so used to it, you do not notice the odors. But a buyer will turn around and walk out. Have a friend, relative or , well, anyone with a fresh nose come in and sniff around. And if they report any nasty odors, take care of it.

Hey! I have an idea. If you need to have someone look at your house to check some of the things above, call me. And while I am there I can give you an idea of what your home is worth, and I can explain what I can do to sell your home quickly and for top dollar. My name is Art Reiman, and I am a Realtor. Call me at 732-598-7700

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