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Why Hasn’t Your Home Sold?

There are many reasons why a home does not sell. Here are some of the most common reasons.

The MLS description is poorly written. The description and the photos are what grabs a buyer’s attention. A poorly written description, and / or bad pictures do not tell buyers “Come and See Me!”.

You are there when agents show the home. Buyers do not want you there watching you. Let the Realtors do their jobs and go away while it is being shown.

The home is not clean. A dirty house gives buyers a bad impression. Get it professionally cleaned, and then keep it clean.

You didn’t depersonalize the home. Buyers do not want to see pictures of you and your family. Remove personal pictures, leave up generic pictures only.

The home is too cluttered. A overly cluttered room makes buyers feel that the room is too small. Remove some furniture and other clutter. Put it in storage if you must.

The home needs repairs. Buyers don’t want to have to fix things as soon as they move in. The only buyers that want that are the flippers, and you won’t want to accept their offers.

You chose an agent who is not familiar with the area, a part time agent or an agent who is not successful. You need to be careful when choosing your Realtor. Just because it’s your cousin, your spouse’s best friend or a neighbor does not make someone a good Realtor. Find a successful, full time professional  Realtor – someone like Bunny and Art Reiman (they can be reached at 732-616-6226).

And the number one reason your home is not selling is….

The price is too high. Any of the above and more can be solved by having the proper price. Listen to your Realtor, look at the comparable sales and price it right. If you do, it will sell.

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